10 Things You Should Know Before You Have a Root Canal

1. What is a Root Canal?
A root canal is a dental treatment that repairs and saves an infected or cracked tooth. The procedure requires the nerve and pulp of the tooth to be removed. The inside of the tooth is then cleaned and sealed. A decayed tooth that goes without treatment can lead to infection of the tissue surrounding the tooth and abscesses may form. Following endodontic treatment, you will be referred back to your dentist for the restorative portion (crown) of treatment.
2. How do I know if I need Root Canal Treatment?
If you are reading this, chances are your dentist would like you to visit us for a consultation. At that time, we will be able to determine if your tooth requires treatment. Based on the condition of your tooth, we may be able to treat you immediately.
3. What if my tooth cannot be saved?
When a tooth cannot be saved we will help you determine if you are a candidate for dental implants. In such a case you would be referred to a qualified surgeon to extract the tooth and prepare the site for a dental implant and crown.
4. How long will it take?
Endodontic treatment is usually completed in one appointment – the average time for a procedure is 90 minutes. The complexity of the case may result in additional appointments. Arrive 15 minutes early to complete your paperwork.
5. Will it hurt?
Modern technology and medicine have dramatically reduced pain and discomfort. We also offer conscious sedation to help reduce your anxiety and pain.
6. Will my dental insurance pay for this?
Most insurance plans cover up to 80% of endodontic treatment. We will submit your claim for you and your insurance company will pay us directly. You will be responsible for your balance at the time of treatment.
7. Do you offer financing?
Yes, we accept Visa and MasterCard and we have financing options through Care Credit.
8. What if I am taking medication?
Some medications may prohibit us from providing immediate treatment. Let us know about any medications you are taking in advance.
9. How do I prepare for my appointment?
Visit our website at www.marlboroughendo.com and download our registration forms.
Bring the following to your appointment:
• Referral slip from your dentist (if applicable)
• Completed registration forms
• Insurance card and form of payment
• X-Rays (if you have them)
• List of medications you are taking
10. What do I do after treatment?
You must go back to your dentist after treatment for either a filling or a crown or your root canal may fail. Call your dentist today to schedule your appointment.